Join the most important conversation in crypto and Web3 taking place in Austin, Texas, April 26-28. Margaux Nijkerk reports on blockchain protocols with a focus on the Ethereum ecosystem. A graduate of Johns Hopkins and Emory universities, she has a masters in International Affairs & Economics. She holds a very small amount of ETH and […]
How much Bitcoin does billionaire George Soros have?
The post How much Bitcoin does billionaire George Soros have? appeared on Although George Soros once described Bitcoin (BTC) as a “typical bubble,” comparing it to the ‘tulip mania’ that engulfed The Netherlands in the mid-1600s and expressing worries about its volatility,…
Which one can perform best?
The post Which one can perform best? appeared on SPONSORED POST* Binance Coin (BNB) and RenQ Finance (RENQ) are two prominent cryptocurrencies that have been making waves in the crypto space. Both have unique features and have been…
Huobi Lists WiFi Map’s $WIFI Token for Trading
The post Huobi Lists WiFi Map’s $WIFI Token for Trading appeared on Zug, Switzerland, April 12th, 2023, Chainwire WiFi hotspot platform WiFi Map has had its native token listed for trading on Huobi. Markets for the $WIFI token opened on April 12,…
Dogecoin (DOGE) and Cardano (ADA) Investors Lose Hope, While Sparklo (SPRK) Starts To Gains More Attention
The post Dogecoin (DOGE) and Cardano (ADA) Investors Lose Hope, While Sparklo (SPRK) Starts To Gains More Attention appeared on Whether you are an experienced crypto trader or a beginner, you want to receive the most return on your investments in the shortest amount of time. However, at this time,…
【4/12話題】カルビーがNFT付きポテトチップス、モンテネグロ中銀がリップルと提携など(音声ニュース) | あたらしい経済
The post 【4/12話題】カルビーがNFT付きポテトチップス、モンテネグロ中銀がリップルと提携など(音声ニュース) | あたらしい経済 appeared on ブロックチェーン・仮想通貨(暗号資産)・フィンテックについてのニュース解説を「あたらしい経済」編集部が、平日毎日ポッドキャストでお届けします。Apple Podcast、Spotify、Voicyなどで配信中。ぜひとも各サービスでチェンネルをフォロー(購読登録)して、日々の情報収集にお役立てください。 ポッドキャストで紹介したニュース カルビーがNFT付きポテトチップス販売開始、アスター(ASTR)採用で博報堂ら協力 フィナンシェがJ.フロントリテイリングから資金調達、累計調達額は24億円に モンテネグロ中銀がリップルと提携、CBDCパイロット版開発へ Bitfinex、エルサルバドル初となるデジタル資産ライセンス取得 米コインベースが「FLR」のユーザー付与と取り扱いを開始 アービトラム(ARB)、財団への返金を含む新たなガバナンス投票開始 「Sushi」ハッキングで約4億円が流出、被害額の一部は回収 →それぞれの記事はこちらから 番組スポンサー この番組はフィナンシェとshiftbase「UNCHAIN」の提供で送りします。 ●株式会社フィナンシェ「FiNANCiE(フィナンシェ)」は、スポーツチームやエンタメプロジェクト、DAOなどのトークンを購入して支援ができる新しいクラウドファンディング・サービス。サッカーJリーグ、野球、バスケ、などのプロスポーツチームをはじめ、映画やアイドル、インフルエンサーなど100以上のプロジェクトのトークンがフィナンシェで購入できます。さらにトークン購入者はプロジェクトに応じたキャンペーン参加やNFTなどの特典も。ぜひiOSやAndroidで「FiNANCiE」のスマホアプリを入れて、新たな応援体験を味わってください。「あなたの夢が、みんなの財産になる」FiNANCiE …
Elon Musk: Twitter as homeless shelter
The post Elon Musk: Twitter as homeless shelter appeared on Elon Musk is back to talking about Twitter. This time, claiming that he had tried to turn part of the social’s headquarters into a homeless shelter, but admitting that he…
Spanish tax agency to send over 328K notices to crypto holders
According to fiscal authority, the number of potential taxpayers who failed to declare their crypto assets rose by 40% in a year. The State Tax Administration Agency of the Government of Spain (AEAT) increases its efforts to charge the local holders of crypto assets. The AEAT intends to dispatch 328,000 warning notices to those who […]
Elon Musk reportedly buys thousands of GPUs for Twitter AI project
According to anonymous sources close to the company, Musk purchased nearly 10,000 graphics processing units intending to further his AI projects at Twitter. Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX, Tesla, and, as of October 2022, Twitter, recently made headlines when he spearheaded a letter to halt artificial intelligence (AI) development due to societal concerns. Despite the effort, […]
Argentina securities regulator approves Bitcoin futures index
The regulated Bitcoin futures index is reportedly a first in Latin America and is set to debut in May. The securities regulator of Argentina has approved a Bitcoin-based futures index set to debut on the Matba Rofex exchange. The Bitcoin (BTC) futures contract will start trading in May, with the exchange claiming it would be the first […]