TON becomes the exclusive blockchain of Telegram
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Today, the founder and CEO of Telegram, Pavel Durov, publicly and explicitly stated that TON will be the exclusive blockchain partner of Telegram. Durov on his personal channel wrote that the decision was made together with the TON Foundation, and that in light of this decision TON will become the blockchain infrastructure of Telegram for tokenization, payments, mini app integrations, and more. “`html Telegram and TON “` In theory, TON (The Open Network) is an independent and decentralized blockchain, whose development is managed by the TON Foundation. However, TON initially stood for Telegram Open Network, and its blockchain was born along with the Toncoin project in 2020. Indeed, the ties with Telegram are much closer than they might appear at a superficial analysis. Everything indeed started in 2018 with the ICO of Gram, launched by Telegram itself. However, that ICO was then blocked by the SEC in 2019, among other things when Donald Trump was still serving as the president of the USA and Gary Gensler had not yet been appointed to the top of the SEC (he was appointed by Joe Biden in 2021). Therefore, in 2019 the official crypto project of Telegram, based on the Gram token, was definitively shelved, and from its ashes, the Toncoin project was born, behind which there was no longer Telegram, at least from a formal point of view. If Toncoin and the TON Foundation are currently to be considered formally independent entities from Telegram, with today’s announcement, the bond with the company tightens further. TON in Telegram Technically, in addition to being a company based in Dubai, Telegram is a messaging app that over the years has added numerous features. One of these is the crypto wallet, now integrated. Another is the mini-apps, which are internal bots that function like apps but…
Filed under: News - @ January 22, 2025 1:27 pm